My Bookshelf

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If you are interested in developing your career, user research, or instructional design, I warmly recommend the books below.

Life design:

  • Designing Your Life by Burnett and Evans. This is the book that I wish I had read in college and during my 20s. And during my 30s, come to think of it.
  • Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown. A book that was incredibly important during the actual process of my career transition when I had to pay sharp attention to my goals and commitments.

UX research: 

  • Just Enough Research by Erika Hall. A simply fantastic book. A wonderful, compact introduction to user research.
  • Think Like a UX Researcher by Travis and Hodgson. This book delivers on the promise of its title. I found it to be a wonderful pathway into a deeper understanding the field.
  • Surveys that Work by Caroline Jarrett. Survey design is hard. This book offers a comprehensive yet approachable guide to each step in the process.

Instructional design: